Grants Awarded to HAEFA
Grants and Research Fellowship Awards
Oak Foundation, 2020
Awarded funding to support HAEFA’s COVID-19 relief efforts in the Rohingya refugee camps of Cox’s Bazar
Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Charitable Foundation Inc, 2019
Awarded funding
Semnani Family Foundation, 2018-2019
Awarded a grant to fund one year’s operating expenses starting from April 2018.
Stars in Global Health Award by Grand Challenges Canada, 2018-2019
Awarded funding to screen and treat 10,000 RMG factory workers for NCDs and for pioneering "See and Treat" one-stop cervical cancer screening.
Department for International Development (DFID) and Brown University, 2016
Awarded funding for 5,774 RMG workers' and 1,200 rickshaw pullers' disease burden analysis.