Update on Rohingya Camps


1. With your donation, support, and Zakat, HAEFA has provided free treatment and medicine to more than 31,000 patients in the Rohingya camps since October 2017. Watch this recent short-film from the Rohingya camps. Please donate online using the donate or Zakat tab, or mail check to: HAEFA, 311 Bedford St, Lexington, MA 02420. Your donation is tax-exempt as allowed by the US laws. On average, with $2.50, you can provide free treatment including medicine to one patient. $25 can treat 10 patients; $250 can treat 100 patients.

2. Better Shelter has been building two semi-durable structures for HAEFA's medical tents in Kutupalong and Balukhali Rohingya camps. We expect these structures will be completed by mid-June 2018, which will provide better environment for the HAEFA medical teams as well as covered waiting spaces for our patients.

3. The Semnani Family Foundation, USA has promised partial grant support for HAEFA's ongoing Rohingya healthcare projects for one year.